Committed to providing your child with the best experience possible, Georgia Tech requires parental consent for any student participating in our programs and events hosted by Georgia Tech, including K-12 InVenture Prize events.

Parents and guardians are important partners in this effort, and should:

  • Review youth program materials and select programs that are appropriate for your student.
  • Completely and accurately fill out all registration forms.
  • Discuss appropriate behaviors with your student before the program begins.
  • Inform program staff of any concerns or special needs of your student.
  • Report any concerns promptly to the program staff.

How does Parental Consent work?

Parents must complete the Ideal-Logic Parental Consent forms once at the beginning of the program year. Ideal-Logic is a parent-friendly portal to review, sign, and grant permission for their student inventor to participate in K-12 InVenture Prize events hosted and organized by Georgia Tech either online or in-person.

Parental Consent forms will be available on the Ideal-Logic portal for parents to review, sign, and grant permission for their student(s) to participate in the K-12 InVenture Prize events. The link to the Parental Consent forms will be available on the Current Competition page once the form is live. Student inventors participating in Savannah Regional and South Georgia Regional events may require additional consent forms.

Create an account with Ideal-Logic and/or log in with your email and password. Once you've logged in, you will be directed to either the New Registration page or the Georgia Tech CEISMC Ideal-Logic page depending on how you accessed Ideal-Logic. If you are not on the registration page, click Register for K-12 InVenture Prize on the left-hand menu.

Since you are going through the form as the parent or legal guardian of your student, select that the registration is for A child or Dependent of [your name]

If this is the first time you are completing an Ideal Logic form with K-12 InVenture Prize, select New Dependent. If not, select the dependent(s) you would like to register listed under your account.

Complete each section of the registration. Note: We require the legal spelling of each student's name. Please do not write your student's nickname or nonlegal name. We provide an additional line for a preferred name for students that wish to be called a different name.

Once you've completed each section of the registration, click Submit Registration. Clicking Yes when you are ready to submit will take you to the confirmation page, verifying that your registration has been accepted. You will also receive an email with a copy of the registration questions (not your answers).

Parental Consent on Ideal-Logic Walkthrough

The Parental Consent Ideal-Logic Walkthrough video serves as a step-by-step guide for how to complete parental consent.