The Georgia Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing (Georgia AIM) coalition includes eight projects expanding AI manufacturing efforts across the state. Georgia AIM was created in response to the changing landscape in artificial intelligence and growing industrial economy. Of the eight projects, the Community Engagement Project combines the forces of nine interrelated subprojects, leveraging expertise and connecting Georgia AIM with local networks for customized solutions for AI in manufacturing by:

  • securing the resiliency of its supply chains for future shocks
  • building globally competitive manufacturing capabilities across multiple sectors to rebuild its industrial economy
  • engaging and supporting underserved populations and communities through equitable access to innovation, training, and high-paying jobs in the next economic revolution—AI manufacturing.
Georgia AIM logo, blocks shaping into the shape of Georgia

Partnership with K-12 InVenture Prize

Under the Community Engagement Project, K-12 InVenture Prize’s purpose through our partnership with Georgia AIM is to provide invention, entrepreneurial, and AI Manufacturing Education in rural Georgia for K-12 students. We are working to expand students’ knowledge and future career opportunities in their communities through multiple educational pathways.

Through Georgia AIM, the K-12 InVenture Prize invention and entrepreneurship program is collaborating with school districts and businesses in Southwest Georgia, Southeast Georgia and Northeast Georgia. The initiative is expanding existing partnerships Georgia Tech has established with technical colleges and minority-serving institutions throughout the state.

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Connecting K-12 students with innovative solutions

Creating a pipeline to immersive AI manufacturing education

Infusing inventiveness and entrepreneurial thinking for teachers who serve diverse student populations

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Inspiring Tomorrow’s Innovators

The project will reach at least 1,000 K-12 students and 100 teachers from underserved areas, with a focus on rural communities via existing programs at Georgia Tech, other nonprofits, the Technical College System of Georgia, the Southwest Georgia Regional Commission, local manufacturers, and K-12 school leaders.

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Southwest Georgia Partners

Key partners in Southwest Georgia include Southern Regional Technical College (SRTC) and education technology platform Tisk/Task from Thomasville, GA and The Foundational Leadership and Entrepreneurship Experience (FLEX) in Fitzgerald, GA.

Circle with alternating stripes with the words, Southwest Regional Technical College
Large letters, s, w, g, r, c with the words, Southwest Georgia Regional Commission serving local communities
A blue T, red arch with an i underneath to represent an A and i combined, orange S, and yellow geometric K
The word, FLEX, in printscript
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How can K-12 InVenture Prize partner with you and your community?

K-12 InVenture Prize connects K-12 teachers and students with STEM education, programming, a free curriculum, and an innovative invention/entrepreneurship competition that strengthens communities by preparing them for the workforce needs of the future. K-12 InVenture Prize can also help you explore options and refer you to other programs or partners at Georgia Tech CEISMC that fit your community's needs.

Filled circle with a dotted circle inside

K-12 InVenture Prize

K-12 InVenture Prize brings the excitement of invention education and competition to K-12 audiences throughout Georgia. Students identify real world problems and build solutions by engaging in the design process. Teachers learn the invention process and are provided with grade appropriate lessons that enable students to navigate their own projects.

Keywords Invention, Entrepreneurship, Problem Solving, Teamwork, Public Speaking
Related Subjects CTAE, Engineering, Science, Mathematics, English Language Artsy
Grade Levels K-12
Teacher Supports Professional Development, Curriculum, Teacher Network
Student Engagement Project Feedback, Competition Events
Learn More K-12 InVenture Prize Website
Blocks forming into the shape of the state of Georgia

Unplugged AI

Georgia AIM is building cross-sector bridges between education, industry, and community by equipping students with AI skills applicable to real-world problems. The future of agriculture requires a workforce capable of harnessing the power of AI to address complex challenges ranging from optimizing resource management to predicting crop yields. This curriculum integrates relevant AI concepts into educational programs to empower students to contribute meaningfully to food production, fostering innovation and building a stronger future for both individuals and communities.

Keywords Artificial Intelligence, Agriculture, Unplugged
Related Subjects CTAE
Grade Levels 6-12
Teacher Supports Professional Development, Curriculum
Additional Information This curriculum is currently in development and slated to publish January/February 2025! Shape the development of Unplugged AI by piloting this curriculum in your classroom or school and sharing your feedback and insights about teaching AI.
Volume or sound bars inside brackets


EarSketch is a free web-based platform to help students learn core topics in computer science, music, and music technology in a fun and engaging learning environment. EarSketch helps students learn to code in Python or JavaScript through manipulating loops, composing beats, remixing sounds, and applying effects to a multi-track digital audio workstation.

Keywords Computer Science, Music, Culturally Authentic Practice
Related Subjects CTAE, Computer Science, Music Composition, Music Technology, English Language Arts
Grade Levels 4-12
Teacher Supports Professional Development, Curriculum, Teacher Network
Student Engagement Competitions
Learn More EarSketch Platform Website
Teacher Resources Website
Chat bubble with users above a rectangle button

Student Centered Computing

Student-Centered Computing (SCC) curricula promote the development of rigorous computational thinking (CT) skills by engaging students in culturally authentic and community-focused problem-driven learning. Student teams select problems of importance to them and create digital artifacts that spread awareness and promote positive change.

Keywords Computer Science, Student Voice and Choice, Culturally Authentic Practice, Community Driven, Problem Solving
Related Subjects CTAE, Computer Science, Computing Explorations, Computing Foundations, AP Computer Science Principles
Grade Levels 6-12
Teacher Supports Professional Development, Curriculum
Learn More Student Centered Computing Website
Triangle, circle, and square interlocked

First Lego League Challenge

FIRST® inspires young people to be science and technology leaders and innovators by engaging them in exciting mentor-based programs that build science, engineering, and technology skills, that inspire innovation, and that foster well-rounded life capabilities including self-confidence, communication, and leadership.

Keywords STEAM, Creative Exploration, Discovery, Coding, Teamwork
Related Subjects Science, CTAE, Engineering, Computer Science
Grade Levels 4-8
Teacher Supports Professional Development, Curriculum
Student Engagement Competition
Learn More First Lego League Guide
First Lego League Challenge at Georgia Tech Website

Rural CS Initiative

Rural CS forms partnerships with Georgia’s rural schools and districts to support the development of innovative and high-quality computer science education across the state. The program engages directly with computer science teachers in partner schools to schedule direct instruction sessions from the Rural CS staff around existing curriculum. Rural CS offers 12 different standards-aligned modules, with each module delivered over the course of approximately two weeks. Beyond classroom engagements, Rural CS seeks to develop a strong network of computer science educators through professional development and networking opportunities.

Keywords Partnership, Web Design, Sensors, Coding, Artificial Intelligence, Microcontrollers
Related Subjects CTAE, Computer Science, Robotics, Software Technology, Cybersecurity, Data Science
Grade Levels 9-12
Teacher Supports Professional Development, Curriculum, Teacher Network
Student Engagement Direct Instruction
Learn More Rural CS Initiative Website

Interested in a partnership? Contact us!

Contact Information
School and District Information
What is your relationship to the school or district?
How can Georgia AIM partner with you?
Which programs are you interested in?